April 7, 2011

Adames Family

What better way to begin this post that to have Jeremiah wave hello! :)  This is the Adames family.  This is love, this is growth.  This is laughter and affection with a little drooling thrown in there as well!  This is perfectly unpredictable.  At 6 months old Jeremiah is so joyful and loving.  His bright eyes captured my heart!  When I grow up and have my own little one, I want a picture with my child just like this….

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.


You don’t choose your family.  They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.  ~Desmond Tutu

The lovely couple!

And their beautiful family…

I warned you there was a little drool involved! ;)

Whenever my sister hugs me too tight I say “too much love!” I think that this is what he’s trying to say, that or “mooommm you’re embarrassing me!” ;)  Too sweet!

And finally Daddy’s little boy!

Thanks for joinging my journey.  I sincerely loved every minute of this family session :)

I can’t wait til he turns one!

<3 Jenny




Thank you so much for your sweet comment!!:) You just made my weekend!! :)
Thank you SO much!! :)

Ok so I am in tears. Thank you so much for the session. I am sure you are tired of me saying that! The way you described these pictures and the way you described us as a family is just beautiful! Thank you so much… You are truly the most amazing photographer I know and I hope and pray that your career blossoms and that God blesses you abundantly. You are such a sweet girl. Oh and I can’t wait till Jea turns one too, and also for his little sister’s pictures as well ;)

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