
July 24, 2021
Exciting Personal News
Hope has been reading lots of books and studying up on her new upcoming role... She's been asking lots of interesting quest...
June 5, 2020
3 Ways to Teach your Children about Race through Play
How do we teach our children about race?  Children learn through play.   Play fosters a sense of adventure, imagination and...
May 10, 2020
A Letter To My Sister On Mother's Day
A Letter To My Sister On Mother’s Day
Dear Sister,  You’ve had to experience so many negative pregnancy tests, dashed dreams and that indescribable feeling in th...
April 4, 2020
How We Celebrated our 2 year old’s Birthday at Home During a Pandemic
When we were told to stay home, we took it seriously as a family. At first, it was as if all the implications of this hadn’t r...
April 14, 2019
Hope’s First Birthday Party
My daughter is ONE! A whole year of love, laughter, smiles, tears, and dancing! Hope loves music. Anywhere we are, if she hears mu...
December 16, 2017
Gender Reveal!
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" has been the number one question that we've received during pregnancy! We're finally re...
October 26, 2017
Baby Announcement
October 26th will forever be a date that is circled on my calendar, celebrated in my life and etched in my heart.  It is the day t...
April 4, 2015
Tea Party Bridal Shower
My sister is getting married!! I had the pleasure of throwing Christina a bridal shower! I chose to do a tea party theme and I'm e...
December 8, 2014
Commander Chris Hadfield Video
It's not every day that I get an email in my inbox with the subject line "Video of Chris Hadfield Dream"!  At Sunshine Foundat...
May 2, 2014
80 children & teenagers from Ontario with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses were flown to Orlando...

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I'm Jennifer of JJMedia.

I believe that your story deserves to be told through professional, meaningful, true-to-you, creative photos and video.

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