I'm Jennifer of JJMedia.

Exciting Personal News
Hope has been reading lots of books and studying up on her new upcoming role...
She's been asking lots of interesting quest...

3 Ways to Teach your Children about Race through Play
How do we teach our children about race? Children learn through play.
Play fosters a sense of adventure, imagination and...

A Letter To My Sister On Mother’s Day
Dear Sister,
You’ve had to experience so many negative pregnancy tests, dashed dreams and that indescribable feeling in th...

How We Celebrated our 2 year old’s Birthday at Home During a Pandemic
When we were told to stay home, we took it seriously as a family. At first, it was as if all the implications of this hadn’t r...

Hope’s First Birthday Party
My daughter is ONE! A whole year of love, laughter, smiles, tears, and dancing! Hope loves music. Anywhere we are, if she hears mu...

Gender Reveal!
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" has been the number one question that we've received during pregnancy! We're finally re...

Baby Announcement
October 26th will forever be a date that is circled on my calendar, celebrated in my life and etched in my heart. It is the day t...

Tea Party Bridal Shower
My sister is getting married!! I had the pleasure of throwing Christina a bridal shower! I chose to do a tea party theme and I'm e...

Commander Chris Hadfield Video
It's not every day that I get an email in my inbox with the subject line "Video of Chris Hadfield Dream"! At Sunshine Foundat...

80 children & teenagers from Ontario with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses were flown to Orlando...
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I believe that your story deserves to be told through professional, meaningful, true-to-you, creative photos and video.